I had recently posted on Mastodon about wanting to learn and use Ember.js for a side-project. The responses were very similar at first: folks asking me why I wanted to learn Ember.js when ABC framework or library was more popular, or “better,” which I think is a very loaded and subjective term. Or, you know, that Ember.js’ moment/time/train is long gone.
That’s exactly the thing for this side-project — I am not looking to get on any train, or use a cool-new-tech. ReactJS and its ecosystem — for example — are a maintenance headache, whereas what I’m seeking is stability and conventions.
Ember.js, at least on paper, offers that. It’s incorporated a lot of ideas for common problems. Consequently, it fits my needs. I don’t need to be opinionated to develop in Ember – I can look at the documentation and to its community to figure out what’s the best way to solve any and every problem. It does come with its baggage, but that’s a trade-off I have to understand and make for myself.
It’s eye-opening and a good reminder that the answer to everything is not React/Angular. Or client-side JavaScript web apps, as far as that goes. Not to give the Mastodon folks a bad rep, they were very understanding once I explained my reasons. 😄
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