I’m taking an indefinite break on this blog. It has been a long time coming… wrote a little about it on Fosstodon, too, a while ago. It’s a locked post so you might not be able to see it.
With that said, I’m also done with my monthly reviews, which is something I wanted to be clear about. ~11-12 meaningful posts over 17 months, and I’m OK with that. It was a good run. I wasn’t chasing perfection and that’s freaking brilliant.
The future?
Right, there’s a reasonable chance I will archive this blog at some point, but we’ll see. What does archiving mean? I don’t know yet. Perhaps a static bunch of pages that’s still accessible?
For now, stays as it is. Maybe I’ll have something once in a long while to write about. Maybe something abstract, or much more appealing – something concrete like a dev/code tutorial.
We’ll have to see how it goes.
The why.
There are many reasons for this break, but chief among it is feeling safer talking on a closed platform (like a private account on the Fedi, or a private Twitter account, or closed-as-in-private instant messengers) as opposed to a huge, open web.
And, this is maybe my old paranoid self, but I don’t feel good, never have, about writing my opinions. This is a very unbalanced relationship.
Besides, the internet has enough opinions, from people much smarter than me, so I really don’t want to be taking up a stupid amount of space here.
And, like, I can’t say I’ve felt joy in writing things of late. It just isn’t flowing anymore like it used to — neither the prose nor the kick.

And, then, I suppose, in line with the ongoing theme over the last year ish, I’m constantly moving my focus — some consciously, some incidental — away from the internet, and privacy, and free software, and such… towards my career, my life goals, my mental health, my physical health, and figuring out who I am as a person. And just being in a better place overall. Which is of course a non-linear and perhaps a not-so-pleasant journey. But it is one and I want to be focusing on it.
Cliché? Maybe. It’s the truth, still.
Signing off from here. Everything is fluid. Nothing is scraped on stone. This is what it is today.
I didn’t have to make this post, but I’m a drama queen.
See you on the fedi and other private spaces.