This is a follow up to the post that added a convenience comment link.
This time, we’re adding a small note if a post belongs to a category of our choice.
add_filter( "the_content_feed", function ( $content ) {
$categories = get_the_category();
if ( !empty( $categories ) ) {
foreach ( $categories as $category ) {
if ( $category->slug == "fastmail" ) {
$new_content = "<p>Shameless: here's my Fastmail referral link in case you want to support me that way.</p>" . $content;
if ( empty( $new_content ) ) {
$new_content = $content;
$new_content .= "<p><a href=\"mailto:" . get_the_author_meta('user_email') . "?subject=Comment on '" . get_the_title() . "'&body=Post link: " . get_permalink() . "\">Comment via email</a>.</p>";
return $new_content;
} );
I’m no PHP or WordPress wizard, so this is essentially a note to myself. The code too may be very garden variety, but that’s okay.